Comparing Create-React-App and Vitejs for React Development

When it comes to setting up a new React project, developers have a couple of solid options: the traditional Create-React-App (CRA) and the more recent Vitejs. Both have their merits, but which one should you choose for your next project? Let’s dive in and compare these two tools.

What is Create-React-App?

Create-React-App has been the go-to choice for many developers when starting a new React project. It’s an officially supported way to create single-page React applications, offering a modern build setup with no configuration.


  • Zero Config: Start quickly without worrying about webpack configurations.

  • Community Support: Being around for longer, CRA has a large community and extensive resources.


  • Performance: As your project grows, you might experience slower rebuilds and longer startup times.

  • Ejecting: Customizing the setup requires ‘ejecting’, which can be a complex process.

What is Vitejs?

Vitejs is a newer build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience. It’s designed to serve code via native ES modules, making it incredibly fast.


  • Fast Hot Module Replacement (HMR): Vite provides lightning-fast HMR due to its use of native ES modules.

  • Out-of-the-box TypeScript Support: No additional setup required for TypeScript projects.

  • Optimized Build: Vite uses Rollup under the hood for production builds, resulting in optimized bundles.


  • Younger Ecosystem: While growing rapidly, Vite’s ecosystem is not as mature as CRA’s.

  • Plugin Reliance: You might need to rely on plugins for certain features, which can vary in quality and support.

Performance Comparison

One of the key differences between CRA and Vitejs is performance. Vite significantly outperforms CRA in both startup and build times12. This can be a major advantage when working on larger projects where development speed is crucial.

Migration from CRA to Vitejs

If you’re considering switching from CRA to Vitejs, the process is straightforward. Vite provides clear documentation on how to migrate your existing projects1. However, it’s important to note that you might need to adjust your project structure and configuration to align with Vite’s approach.


Both Create-React-App and Vitejs have their place in the React ecosystem. If you prioritize ease of use and community support, CRA might be the way to go. However, if you’re looking for speed and a modern development experience, Vitejs is definitely worth considering.

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